Tuesday, November 30, 2010

a proud moment.

at this point i dont even know how i am writing my blog. i am so exhausted, i have never written so many papers in one week in my life, and its not even wednesday yet.

so precious.
but on a more positive note i have finally figured out how to upload pictures to my blog. (i know i'm a genius) but i wanted to share two of the most important people in my life. aly & drew. a girl couldnt ask for a better brother and sister. these two have me laughing so much. i am so thankful in having such amazing siblings that are more like bestfriends to me.

anyways im just proud i have found the magic way of adding pictures. more to come.

Monday, November 29, 2010


so thanksgiving break was pretty fantastic. i enjoyed seeing my family so much and just being able to relax (camping was awesome too.) coming back to school is so overwhelming. i feel like i didnt even leave this place, like my break was all a dream and now im back here stressed and overwhelmed just  like i was last week. but that is okay.  i am so ready to conquer this. im look forward to knowing that i accomplished these classes with great grades and made awesome relationships with new people this semester. overcoming this semester has been a challenge. from a new major, to new study habits, living on my own and putting myself out there and meeting new people. i feel like i have grown leaps and bounds and i am finding myself. It feels good to know who you are and what you stand for. as for school i have never been so proud of my self. all A's and high B's. this has not happened since my first semester as a freshman. this has been such a personal accomplishment for myself. im glad i overcame this "i dont care about school" phase, it was really ridiculous and i dont know why my parents put up with me for so long. but i am thankful that they did. well this was my rant for the evening. wish me luck i have a presentation tomorrow night and i am terrified of speaking in front of people...

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


i have finished my school work. my bags are packed. i am officially ready for thanksgiving 2010! tomorrow morning i will head out bright and early to pick up my sweet sister from austin tx.  and then we have a sister date at the outlet mall for some quick bargain shopping. life is good. im so blessed for an awesome family, great friends, and the love that surrounds me. I'm signing off early because i am going to be up bright early.

happy thanksgiving!!


Sunday, November 21, 2010

trusting yourself.

through this past month i have gone through some of the biggest growing pains i could ever imagine. i have had to rely on myself and God fully to get through everything. change is good but its awkward and uncomfortable. its taking me some getting used to. i wish i could fast forward one year and graduate. december 2011 will be such a great month. I will have accomplished a dream that i personally never would have thought possible for myself. and to walk across that stage and get my diploma and knowing i did it in 4 years such an added bonus!

School is not my thing. its so hard for me. i find myself doubting myself so much here. sometimes i wonder why i chose a school this far away from home. Then i take a step back and look why God chose this school for me. This school is fantastic in certain aspects and has made me grow up more than i ever thought possible. for me the distance is healthy. im definitely a homebody, and run home when times get rough. Being here has taught me that i don't need anybody to lean on. and being independent and being alone can be healthy. i have to keep remembering to trust Him daily and to be happy with the present because if you keep looking toward the future you will miss today.

With that said im so looking forward to seeing my precious family and camping over thanksgiving. yes thats right, my family is camping over thanksgiving break! haha you just have to laugh. at first it stressed me out but thinking about it, but it sounds soooo perfect sitting under the starts laughing with my brother and sister (pictures to come soon, once i can figure out how to do it !) plus seeing all the cousins and aunts and uncles just sounds awesome. and this is why this is my  favorite time of the year!

well im pretty much in love with blogging. i now just need to get some followers :) haha
but all in all this is pretty theraputic just being able to write how i feel. its like the diary i never wrote when i was little!



I'm feeling restless & uncomfortable & frustrated & relieved & excited & then some. all at the same time.


I need thanksgiving break ASAP!! 

Friday, November 19, 2010

my first post.

Hey everyone I'm so new to this but I have been reading fellow bloggers blogs for a while. I thought I would finally join in and let some of yall get to know me :)

i am a senior in college who is from TEXASSS who lives to hear great music. Finding new music and new bands is kind of a passion. i can spend so much time just looking and hearing all sorts of new and upcoming bands. you would think that my major would have something to do with it butttt it doesnt. i love to work with kids so i plan to major in the family studies program here and focus on children and their families. i have no idea what my actual job will be once I graduate. but im not a planner I fly by the seat of my pants and see where God will lead me.

another passion of mine is photography. it's new and i'm not one of those fantastic ones its just something i like to do. maybe one day i will get the courage enough to share with yall!

well im so exhausted/ totally excited that i am participating in this. i need some ides on how to design my little blog home, so if you have any ideas feel free to share!